Unconference Critique Digitale
Panel 2, Session 2 - Zurich
Do., 21.10.21, 15.00 - 15.45
Title: political discourse in youtube
6 participants in the chat
“Laïcité” in France in political videos on youtube
–> Discourse analysis
–> analysis of discursive elements (which argumentative strategies were used, to influence people)
–> it’s not only important to look at what was said, but also to look at what was left out! –> silence
I have a comment on the topic. For me one of the interesting differences of public discourse on social media is the very fact that this produce a “substance” that is not only mobilized by political actors, but also by social media (in order to produce behavioral models and sell more publicity)…something similar to the “two texts” of Zuboff. So, on one hand, we have the goals of actors that speak publicly on social media, but on the other, we also have the goals of the very platforms on which people express themselves. This differences of scope (one, the public debate, the other, the need of having more interactions and record more infos) for me is the root of the problems of “radicalization” or “dialogue between deaf people.
Laïcité was also used as a cover, to speak about other subjects: for example about immigration
Mosè: Your last argument is very interesting! In my research i’ve come across debates where people seems to speak about the same topic, but in reality they refer to divergent topics (e.g. they seems to speak about a national park project, but they really are talking about the situation of their valley, etc)
(two paper on a case in which public debate were not about what it seemed)
Gern Laetitia. 2019. « Commenter sur YouTube : un positionnement politique complexe ». Burger, Marcel (éd). Se mettre en scène en ligne. La communication digitale, vol.2., Cahiers de l’ILSL 59, 75-89
Laetitia Gern, « Quand Emmanuel Macron veut réparer le lien entre l’Eglise et l’Etat. La question de l’autorité dans les commentaires YouTube », Argumentation et Analyse du Discours [En ligne], 26 | 2021, mis en ligne le 13 avril 2021, consulté le 21 octobre 2021. URL : https://journals.openedition.org/aad/4976 ; DOI : https://doi.org/10.4000/aad.4976