Unconference Critique Digitale
Panel 4, Session 3 Basel
Do., 22.10.21, 10.00 - 10.45
Title: DH Summer School
Context/open questions:
- DHLab Basel and UniBe DH as part of DH-CH https://dh-ch.ch/ are planning a DH Summer School (SS).
- It is going from training/technology/tool-centric towards research results
- What would be a good mix?
- Do we need ONE major topic?
- Pascal: Questionnaire at the end of last SS? What was the feedback?
- Vera: Few people participating, no real value from feedback
- Vera: Institutions wer not adequately presented
- Vera: ECTS for students, knowledge transfer from older to younger researchers
- Moritz: labels are missing?! infrastructures are built, research tools are built, musicology, history etc.
- Pascal: ONE topic to sharpen the profile
- Pascal: Knowledge transfer leads to asymmetries
- Pascal: Pre-SS for youngsters?
- Tobias: Every phd needs to present something
- Jessica: What about master students?
- Tobias: Community building as one major goal of the SS.
- Pascal: How many days? (Vera: 3 to max 5)
- Jessica: one idea is having “firing talks” as we did in the dhelta event: https://sites.google.com/view/dhexchange/dhx2019/program[][] with a social event visiting basel and the labs
- Vera: staying inter disciplinary is important
- Moritz: research practice and research data as possible topic
- Moritz: theoretical inputs are possible (Niels Brügger)
- Tobias: What does everybody need to know? (Methods)
- Moritz: Regular expressions
- Jessica: Challenge of diversity (\& diversity is challenging), we should find transversal interests to make the network stronger
- Jessica: What to do with Dh knowledge and expertise outside academia? Having museums’ directors was interesting in the dh.ch
- Jessica: trying alternative methods, flipped classroom dynamic, see and share please this retreat: https://algorithms-in-the-making.gitlab.io/page/program/
- Tobias/Jessica: Exchange between DHLabs in Switzerland
- Jessica: Outside collaborators/presenters: Wikimedia,
- Tobias: Getting the industry to collaborate and alternative models in nordic countries
- Pascal: Hackathon as end of event (get together programmers \& theoretical people): hack sth. This summer school hackathon style works well but I have some critics about it that we could improve https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/DmiSummerSchool
- Training
- Presentation
- Reflection