Unconference Critique Digitale
Panel 5, Session 2
Do., 22.10.21, 12.00 - 12.45
Title: How much advertising DH research while doing it? (Isabelle Marthot-Santaniello)
Introduction from Isabelle:
- Rythm: research in the area moves so fast, we can’t wait 3 years to the official publication.
- collaboration: DH implies collaboration. What does it imply in amount of time investment
- Open to wide Audience: when do we open our research? how long we wait before going public?
- Showcases with intermediary results or database.
- Publications vs other forms of “reputation”
- Sustainability
Means and Media:
- setting up a website
- plethora of social media outlets (and oldschool mailing lists).
- Weighting traditional and novel formats of Workshops and Conferences.
- Monographs and papers as the gold standard in evaluation
How does reputation of DH projects work within SNF/other areas of interest?
- Isa: (intermediate) reports are open to activities etc. but grant applications
- Moritz: several currencies (job applications vs grant applications)
Social Media and Blogs:
Did facebook replace the blogomania?